Your Key to Reading the Bible in Hebrew As seen on the Videos page under How to Read Hebrew
This CD is how you can learn to read the Bible in Hebrew. For two years, I read the Torah portions each week with this program. It paid off with confidence in correct pronunciation and translation. And with this program, beginning students can read right along with advanced students in a Hebrew study group because each verse of the Tenach is written in English, Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew, and Transliteration. This is the main tool I recommend in Hebrew / Read the Bible in Hebrew on this site on the Hebrew page.
See the picture of the first page, Genesis chapter 1, and remember: once this program is loaded onto your computer, you can enlarge the page as wide as your screen for easier reading. From the moment you have downloaded the CD onto your computer, you can begin to read any verse of the Bible you choose with correct pronunciation: Torah, Prophets, or Writings. Do you have a favorite Psalm? Aaronic Benediction? Read it in Hebrew!
This program was developed by Dr. Danny Ben Gigi (pictured). Born in Israel, Hebrew is Danny's native tongue. He went on to teach Biblical Hebrew at Arizona State University for fifteen years. Now he writes and publishes Hebrew literature and software through his company, Hebrew World. You can trust Danny's scholarship. He went over every syllable of the entire text of the transliteration to make sure it is right. He told me that it was by far the biggest editing challenge he ever undertook, and I believe him!
Remember Micah 4.2:
"And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the
mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the Torah shall
go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."
Hebrew is the language of Torah and Israel. This Hebrew-English Phonetic Bible is your first step to fulfill this prophecy.
